Jeffrey Paul Miller | Come Dance with Me

About this Artist

I am a photographer based in Woodinville, WA with a passion for exploring movement with my camera. I relish the challenge of anticipating what is to happen next and put my lens in the best spot to capture it. I enjoy surprising viewers of my work, especially getting them to stop and ask, “What is happening,” of my images. When I am not photographing, I enjoy moving myself: on a bicycling, through water, in the air, or chasing the next adventure with my family.

About this Work

My intent in this project was to create abstract or impressionist images using a range of camera techniques, including defocusing and intentional camera movement. What it became was seeking light and color and then simply playing. For me, this brings a great deal of joy to my photography; to compose a scene then move and experiment until I created something that made me smile. It allowed me to drop any pre-conceived notion of what to create and live vividly in the moment. And with that, I found a new freedom and permission to explore an artistic side I can feel wants to grow and grow.

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