Megan Shelfer | Sunshine Through Feathers
About this Artist:
Megan is a lifelong student and a jack of all trades, who never met a hobby or a craft she didn’t want to learn. Her interest in photography blossomed when she borrowed her mother’s Nikon D90 and didn’t want to give it back because it felt as though she was seeing the world with new eyes. She usually can be found in either Florida or Seattle, and she hopes that all of her hobbies will eventually add up to one full job so that she doesn’t need to work in an office anymore.
About this Work:
I have always admired the patience and persistence of wildlife photographers, and for this project I wanted to get a taste of what this subset of photography entails. I set out to capture unique and beautiful images of as many different animals as possible, but I discovered along the way that I was encountering and photographing more birds than any other animal. I ultimately decided to narrow the focus of this project to solely bird photography, because I loved how both their beauty and their personalities came across in my photos.