Sara Schneider | Spectrum

About this Artist:
I have lived in the Seattle area since the age of three, not including the 5 years spent in Olympia studying at The Evergreen State College. Photography has been an interest of mine since I was young. I love to find new angles to shoot things in. My day job involves quality inspection of circuitry, and photography is a good way to express myself. I truly enjoyed this class and feel like my photography horizons have been expanded. It is definitely a favorite hobby of mine.

About this Work:
I have always been fascinated with mythology as a child, and the different things associated with them. When I was told to make six images, I immediately wanted to incorporate the colors of the rainbow into my work. The feminine power that was once worshiped in pantheons of old is important to me. My desire was to educate on the different things associated with different goddesses and to represent the feminine power I have always felt a calling towards.

Sara’s Email | Instagram | Flickr


Melissa H. Sandoval | The Canine Aura


Lisa Valdez | Immortal