Farin Rahman | Chimera

About this Artist:
It’s fascinating how a square frame can interpret a scenery differently depending on the contents and drama created by lights and shadows, thus, creating a story. The person behind this square frame is the storyteller, and I always have wanted to create a story. I intend to create art through photography that would take the viewer to another dimension that mixes painterly qualities with fantasy. It is my goal in photography to make ordinary imagery extraordinary.

About this Work:
I had a desire to create artwork that depicts our fantasy, our dilemmas, our dream, or nightmares. I chose this project to fulfill my dream of becoming a storyteller. I created six photos where each tells a story, portrays emotions, and creates tension in the viewer's eyes and minds.

My biggest challenge in this project was to exhibit my concepts using photoshop. The most difficult part was creating artwork from different photos and making them look coherent. I learned how much we could achieve using photoshop, and I still have a long way to go. I believe this is just the beginning for me in conceptual photography.

Farin’s Email | Flickr | Website


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