Dave Coyle | In Bloom

About this Artist:
Dave began his journey with photography in the beginning of 2021. He was looking for a creative outlet and challenged himself to make a picture a day. He quickly fell in love with every part of the process, particularly the sense of discovery and the meditative aspects. Dave is drawn to moody landscapes and street photography and looks to the work of Todd Hido and Joel Meyerowitz for inspiration.

About this Work:
My project is inspired by the Joel Meyerowitz book, Wild Flowers. I love the mix of street photography and landscapes that Joel presents in the book and I aspired to accomplish the same with my project titled In Bloom. One of my goals with the street photography aspect was to incorporate multiple points of interest in the frame and not just rely on the main subject or event. As for the landscape portion, I felt it necessary to include two moody images that feel in line with my overall aesthetic as a photographer. In full transparency, I struggled with comparing my work to Joel’s and others during this project, but ultimately, came away feeling like I’ve grown as an artist. I hope that I can continue to find the compassion to allow myself to fully bloom into the photographer I want to be.

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