Rasan Bakir | Nature’s Tiny Wonders

About this Artist:

Growing up as a kid in Iraq, I was constantly outside playing with friends, but there was unfortunately not much nature to pay attention to. After moving to the US at age 6, I was exposed to a whole new world. When going outside, I would still play with friends, but I also found myself playing in the once unknown nature. I was out looking at birds, insects, flowers, everything; it was extraordinary. As I got my first camera, I started to capture everything that I saw. All of the graceful birds; the tiniest of insects, and the most elegant flowers. I was able to show others the beauty of the nature that I saw. I look forward to continue capturing all of the amazing nature that I will see throughout my photography career.

About this Work:

This project has been absolutely wonderful to work on over these past weeks. My favorite feeling is seeing something just out of the corner of my eye that’s almost impossible to see and being able to capture it with my macro lens. My photography overall has tremendously improved because I’ve really enjoyed what I've shot for this project which is, insects. Insects are what make up the most basic parts of nature and what help it come to fruition; with that being said here are the photos that I am extremely proud to present for the spring quarter!

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