Jennifer J. Jepson | From Delight to Despair ~ A Glimpse into the Grief of Postpartum Depression

About this Artist:

When I became a mother of three boys and finally a girl, I saw every moment as an opportunity to stop time by capturing them in a photograph. Through the lens, I felt even more present and connected. My foremost passion is to photograph people-to help them tell their stories, harness their personalities, establish their uniqueness, create memories, strengthen relationships, and even work through grief and pain. I also want to offer awareness and education on various human conditions.

About this Work:

Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a global mental health issue that is still widely unrecognized and misunderstood. Approximately 1 in 10 women will experience PPD within the year following the birth of their baby. Of those, it is estimated that 50% go unreported and untreated. In rare cases, a new mother will develop Postpartum Psychosis, a very serious form of PPD posing a threat to herself, her infant and even her other children. I suffered PPD with all four of my children and still grieve the time I lost with them in their infancy. It is my hope that the feelings portrayed in these photographs will speak boldly about this condition, and perhaps even reach a fragile new mother who is suffering.

Jennifer’s Email | Flickr


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